Recently, we had been approached to manufacture a few PBX series for a customer, specifically our PBX 10-2600-VS-TW-BI-C-RG-ICD2/EC/A6/A9. This model number specifies all the different options and capacities and will differ between the different PB(X) series. Our Model Number Description along with options is listed in the link:Â

This is what our customer had requested:
- [Air Flow, CFM]: 2600 = Single Blower Unit
- [Pressure Control Type]: VS = Variable Speed
- [Mounting]: TW = Thru-The-Wall
- [Controls Location]: BI = Built-In
- [Voltage]: 208-230/3Ø/60Hz
- [Make-Up Air Inlet Adapter]: Rainguard (if Round Stack Adapter {12″ OD flanged” is not Ordered})
- [Class, Group, Division]:I = Class I, Group C, Division II
The following equipment are optional that the customer had specified. These options are available to suit the needs of any hazardous or non-hazardous situation.
- /EC/ – Epoxy Coated Carbon Steel Housing [Corrosion Protection]
- /A6/ – Automatic Purge Control, with time adjustable 2-12min; with Acknowledgement Button
- /A9/ – Wall Mounting Brackets, Stainless Stell, for supporting thru-the-wall units
Our PB(X) 10 Series Pressurization Blowers are the economical solution for maintaining positive room pressure. Where buildings in hazardous locations must be operated under specified positive pressure and air flow, these blowers offer a convenient means to achieve compliance with NFPA 496. A range of explosion proof models are CSA certified for National Electric Code Class I, Groups B(*), C and D and Class II, Groups F and G under Divisions 1 or 2 to both U.S. and Canadian standards. Models are also available with dual blowers and automatic switch-over controls for applications that require full pressurization redundancy.